BIRDS: Why must the
best lighting and
be at such ungodly early hours..?

BUGS: Sure, I'd love
to shoot me some bear, but a hopper nymph, well, that really
is the bees knees.

FLORA: Ahhh, literally rooted in place. Barring
rogue breezes, a most pleasant break indeed.

HUMANS: Nice to be paid to be outside, even if
it's shooting humans. Thanks Audubon & Toyota!

LAND INVERTEBRATES: So they're not top 40s animals, snails
and crabs deserve lovin' too!

MAMMALS: I cheated, shot some in a zoo, but until I
get paid to visit exotic locales, this'll have to do.

REPTILES & AMPHIBIANS: Some slithy toves gyring and
gimbling in the wabe.

SCENIC: Things that make me go "oooooh"...

have any plastic
surgeryI wanted,
it would be gill implants.